Having a broken furnace during the winter is one of the worst things that can happen. It is a system that operates silently in the background, but when the temperature in the house starts to drop, we realize how important it is. Fortunately, most furnace problems can be identified and addressed in the early stages through routine maintenance with a heating repair service in Austin, Texas.
Top Seven Reasons Why a Furnace May Break
The most frequent factors that require heating repair technicians are listed below:
- Normal Wear And Tear: The furnace components will wear out because of regular use over time. Several problems are caused by wear and tear, for example:
- Airflow issues
- Problems related to heat control
- Overheating
Please speak to one of our heating system professionals to identify the main issue.
- Insufficient Maintenance: The lack of appropriate furnace service in Austin, TX, contributes to many furnace problems. Professionals typically advise scheduling a service call for a furnace system in the fall and before the onset of winter.
Our technicians can spot any issues during routine maintenance visits before they become serious concerns.
- Clogged Filters: Clogged filters impede your heating system’s airflow, and your furnace must operate at a higher strain, increasing energy costs and the furnace’s wear and tear. Experts recommend replacing the air filter once every three months to maintain smooth and efficient functioning.
- Malfunctioning Thermostat: Furnace service experts in Austin, TX, advise concentrating on thermostat issues while considering the most typical cause of furnace failure. Fortunately, malfunctioning thermostats rarely harm the furnace, but they can prohibit you from communicating with your heating system.
Sometimes the thermostat won’t operate because the batteries are dead. To fix this issue, switch out and replace the thermostat’s batteries.
- Incorrectly Sized Furnace: Your furnace must be appropriately sized before HVAC professionals install a heating system. A heater that is too small for your home can break down as it tries to heat the entire home.
Large furnace systems eventually develop issues as well. These furnaces can shut off prematurely, leaving cold areas throughout your home. In some cases, they also raise the humidity levels.
- Blocked Condensation Pipes: As the air around the burning fuel cools, many furnaces produce moisture. Condensation pipes are used in these systems to transfer moisture from the furnace to a drain. However, obstructions might occasionally form in the condensation lines, and the furnace might develop leakage problems.
- Air Flow Problems: Your heating system’s performance is significantly impacted by reduced airflow caused by obstructions in a blower fan. When there are airflow problems, furnaces typically start cycling on and off repeatedly, which keeps your home from being fully heated.
To Summarize
Being alert for any operating faults is the best approach to prevent problems with your furnace. Having your furnace inspected and tuned up once a year is recommended. However, issues might still arise. Do not hesitate to contact Alpine Heating and Air at (512) 759-4247 if you require heating repair in Austin, TX.